If you had told me in 1995 that in 2015, I would find myself a responsible adult - I would have called you a liar - where is she? What happened in 20 years?
All of a sudden - I am old!
Now don't get me wrong, 40 well ok 44 is not really old but when I interact with the youth of today - I FEEL old.

Holding hands with the boy from across the street because he was your "crush". Playing tennis, volleyball or any other game you could imagine, IN THE STREET, stopping only to move the nets when cars came past. Finding hidden treasures in the sewer tanks and other rather gross items not worth mentioning. The list is endless.
With wisdom comes age - I know, I know that is not the way it is said, but truth is, as you get wiser, you get older - Yuck!
So as I am sitting here feeling "Over the Hill" I realised that this could be the wake up call I needed.
You are only as "old" as you feel. If I could have a do-over - what would I do? I would stop wishing my life away- I would stop telling myself it will be better when I am older - that is a lie!
Life is better every day you wake up. Be grateful for what you have now, this moment, this very second.
Life is about choices. Watch out - I am old :) with that comes volumes of wise words - all of which I will now start to apply to my life.
Have a thrilling Thursday - do something wild!
It's does go by all to fast but at least 44 is not even halfway 😉 At least we have wisdom on our side for the next 44 years (that's the theory anyway!)